A good education can spell the difference between a life full of opportunities and one that is devoid of it. Educated people have the edge in a market that has grown global and competitive. From learning your ABC’s and 123’s to comprehending the most complex concepts in your chosen field, it is the role of the educational system to educate its youth in the ways of the world. Today, people educate themselves through the Internet and not from regular classes. Social media took the world by storm and authority sites mushroomed everywhere. Far from the norm, anyone can create their own blogs and take the place of traditional journalists in disseminating information to the public.
Education is no longer limited to what is taught in textbooks nor does it end once you step out of the four corners of the classroom with the numerous advancements in technology.
Today’s kids are more open to embracing all the changes around them but are they educated enough to remain competitive after graduation? Has our educational system learned to innovate and kept up with all the changes?
Despite his strong stance on international trade and immigration reforms, it seems as if President Trump has no clear plan yet when it comes to education along with an even more controversial Secretary of Education appointment whose plans involve privatizing the sector.
How will the present administration address issues surrounding schools and the educational system that is currently taking place and the job mismatch after when the statistics show this idea is …